Bulk Conversion & Sod Calculator

Landscape Materials Calculator and Conversions

Make sure you purchase the correct amount of material for your landscaping project by using our free material calculator before you place an order. To calculate your coverage area in square feet, use the following formula and enter result into the Bulk Material Calculator below.

(L’) Length x (W’) Width = Coverage Area

Bagged Materials Conversions
3 cu. ft. bags, 9 bags = 1 cubic yard
3 cu. ft. bags cover 11 sq. ft. at 3″ deep
3 cu. ft. bags cover 16.5 sq. ft. at 2″ deep.
2 cu. ft. bags, 13.5 bags = 1 cubic yard
2 cu. ft. bags cover 7.4 sq. ft. at 3″ deep
2 cu. ft. bags cover 11 sq. ft. at 2″ deep
Bagged soils = 4 sq. ft. at 2″ deep (per 40 lb. bag)
Bagged stone products = 3 sq. ft. at 2″ deep (1/2 cu. ft. bag)
Bales of Pinestraw cover 55 sq. ft. at 2″ deep

How Much Sod Do You Need?
Enter Your Address to Zoom In

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  1. Find and zoom in on the desired address using the Search tool.
  2. Left click on the map to start plotting points.
  3. Continue clicking around the perimeter to add more points.
  4. The Square Footage and Border of the area will be updated.
  5. Adjust an area as needed by dragging its points.