When you have a fungus there seems to be so many scenarios to take into consideration that it’s not as easy as killing a weed or a bug. Eliminating a fungus takes multiple applications and often the symptoms remain visible after applying a control product, making it hard to tell if it was effective or not.
Let’s help you decide which fungicide is best for your situation.
ferti•lome Liquid Systemic Fungicide This can be used for fungus in turf and can be very effective if you always make at least two applications. You can also use Liquid Systemic on flowers, trees, shrubs, and anything not-edible. This fungicide has a side effect that acts like a growth regulator, so after you make applications, you will see recovery growth. Kind of cool! Again, use two applications, two to three weeks apart.
ferti•lome F- Stop Fungicide Granules Fungus in turf is really simple…….Use F-Stop Granules! F-Stop works best as a preventative– apply before the fungus starts and you won’t even get it. If turf comes in with a fungus already started, F-Stop is also a great control choice, actually offering some recovery. On most fungus in turf it only requires a single application. If it is well established, you may need to make two applications 2 to 3 weeks apart. All other fungicide granules are a minimum of two applications 2 to 3 weeks apart– but not with F-Stop!
ferti•lome F-Stop Liquid Fungicide This is NOT as effective on turf as the granule and you MUST make multiple applications at 2 week intervals. It is, however, very effective on all fruit and berry plants and recommended by many universities. Also use on ornamentals, flowers and roses.
ferti•lome Triple Action– OMRI Listed For Organic Use Triple Action is a combination insecticide, miticide and fungicide. It can be used on almost all plants including vegetables. This is a good choice when you don’t know exactly what the problem is. Always make two applications 10 to 14 days apart, repeat as needed. All-natural product that is OMRI Listed for organic use!
Visit Fertilome website for more information : https://www.fertilome.com/Article/fungicides-101